Today we will be exploring five mods that fall under the category of client-side. A mod type that offers the power to completely personalize your Minecraft client. The best part? They even work on Minecraft servers!
To obtain the client side version will need locate its saved location. You can normally locate the saved location under the settings of the respective modpack. The following video guides show how you can navigate to the save located for the three main launchers.
arma 3 client side mods
Once at the save location we need to locate the respective pack you plan on converting. In this case, we should be looking for a folder with the name of the modpack and in it, the client side files used to run it. In the respective folder will need to pay close attention to a couple of files and several folders. The first couple of folders are the as followed.
In essence, these two folders are what make up the modpack. Every pack has a different set of mods and those mods configured with there own unique settings. When converting the modpack, it is essential that the config files stay exactly the same otherwise you may encounter mod ID conflicts. Once you have located these two folders, take and place them into a new temporary folder. This new folder will be the start of the server side version of the mod pack.
Basically it allows you to add an entry to the server log, normally done with diag_log at the server, from the client (player) side of your mission scripts. Normally, for the client, hint is the only way to do any sensible debugging. I now use this religiously when scripting.
I just bought arma 3 yesterday and have been struggling very hard with a problem I have been facing. lets start with why I got arma 3 in the first place, for exlile. the big thing for me was that after watching a few install tutorial videos I was aware that I needed a arma 3 launcher to help get some of my mods up and running (A3L) I used arma 3 launcher and ran into my first roadblock, either this may have something to do with it or not when I started a3l I was greeted with a message telling my steam was not running or that I don't own arma 3. both were not the case. I did have steam running. anyway I started the launcher made sure the root path for mods was good and scrolled down to exile install. I installed it and tried hopping on a server. it did not work. couldn't join the server and I thought It had to do with more mods needing to be installed to help exile. ( as said in the arma 3 server list) ad after installing more mods for exile it still wont work. I'm greeting with the first error messege. Addon a3l_licence requires addon exile_client. this pops up before the game so I joined in and upon arriving into the server I get this No entry'bin\config.bin/cfgvehicles/exile_construction_wooddrawbridge_abstract.scope_' so i got that. i decided after all this bullshit to just install exile manually so there was no bs. installed it by putting the @exile inside my mods and still the same message. i also verified and uninstalled the mod on A3L. someone please help me. 2ff7e9595c